Wilderness First Aid



Sample Syllabus

Day 1 – Introduction/Registration; Systems Based Critical Thinking; Infection Control; Patient Assessment System; Circulatory & Respiratory Systems; Adult CPR; Basic Life Support

Day 2 – Quiz/Case Studies; Nervous System, Spine Management; Musculoskeletal Injuries; Lifts, Moves, and Extrications; Splints – Extremities; Patient Assessment Drills

Day 3 – Quiz/Case Studies; Thermoregulation; Bites and Stings; Lightning; Elective Topics; Wounds and Burns; Allergies and Anaphylaxis; Improvised Patient Carries; Patient Assessment Drills

Day 4 – Case Study Review; Elective Topic; Backcountry Medicine; Medical and Legal Issues; Patient Assessment Drills; Simulations; Final Exam; Conclusion


This course is scheduled for 4-days or 36 to 40 hours of instructional and practice time. Upon successful completion, students will receive certification in Wilderness Advanced First Aid and Adult CPR. Certification is valid for three years.

Included Materials

All teaching materials will be at no additional cost.


Successful completion with certification is based on 100% attendance, satisfactory performance on homework assignments and written quizzes, demonstrated proficiency with practical skills, and a successful grade on a final written exam. ETS Training is committed to making reasonable accommodation to any student with special needs.


Students must be at least 16 years old to participate in this course. Those under 18 years of age will require the written consent of a parent or guardian.